Register for the call!

Save the date!!! The second Tuesday of every month at 10:00 AM CT, the AOA invites you and all participating affiliate users and stakeholders to collaborate. We spend this time discussing project/program updates, address support issues, defects, provide ongoing training & support, and include AOA business updates that have an impact on the AMS program and our members.


Use the Register button to the right to register for this event! This call is hosted through Zoom and registration is required. You only need to register once and a confirmation is sent for the current and all future meetings! Save the date today.

Collaborate & Share

We encourage all participants to collaborate and share their experiences on the call. We want to hear your requests, needs, and how AOA can better support you on the platform. Do you have a topic or question you want us to cover? Don't hesitate to submit a call topic today!

Catch Up

Managing your association is crazy enough, and while we hope you can attend in person, we understand that may not always be the case. That's why each of our monthly affiliate calls is archived and kept for one year in the AMS Program Workspace. Missed a call you want to re-watch? You can find a listing of calls available here ! For recordings older than one year, you can email us at



Service ID: 50208
Fri 5/7/21 10:29 AM
Thu 4/6/23 4:37 PM